b"EVENT GUIDE MELBOURNE CAREER EXPO5Work with us to build a safer,fairer and stronger Victoria W orking for the Department of Justicethat every person has the capacity to change.and Community Safety (the department)Youth Justice is a totally different type of offers the chance to make our state acustodial setting altogether. Youth justice workers safer place to live for all Victorians.have the potential to make a significant and posi-There are many career options available tive difference in a young persons life by beingwithin the department, each calling on a a consistent role model. It can be a challengingdifferent set of skills. environment, as young people in custodial facilities There are prison officers, who support often have complex backgrounds and developmental prisoners rehabilitation so they can be more needs. To work in youth justice, you need to have constructive members of the community whennatural confidence in yourself as well as patience they are released. Prison officers begin their and empathy. Helping to shape a young persons job by completing 41 days of training where future is the biggest reward in this role. they learn how to assist prisoners to set goals Outside custodial environments, there areand take steps towards achieving them. They sheriffs officers, who work in the communityThe Department of Justice and Community Safety also learn how to keep the facility secure and with people who have outstanding warrants, debtsrecruits for many different roles throughout Victoria.safe, through great teamwork and adherence or court orders. Sheriffs officers work mostly to processes and procedures. with people in challenging circumstances, so theyThe department also prides itself on itsIf you have a breadth of life experience, areneed to be confident communicators. achievements in increasing Aboriginal and Torres motivated to serve the community and have Community correctional services (CCS) staffStrait Islander (Aboriginal) employment across a real enthusiasm for seeing others succeed, are embedded in the community too. Case managers all divisions and business units. There are a broad then becoming a prison officer could be just and parole officers provide guidance and supportrange of opportunities across the department for the beginning of a new and rewarding career. to people navigating court assessments, post work in Aboriginal identified and non-identified Forensic intervention is another area vital to thesentence orders and parole requirements, whileroles, and the department encourages Aboriginal rehabilitation of prisoners. Forensic Interventionfield officers supervise offenders completingcandidates to apply for any vacancy that comes up.Services is a team of professional social workers,court-ordered community work tasks. This To find out more about these roles andmental health nurses, psychologists and occupa- supervision can short circuit the cycle of the many other careers at the department, tional therapists who provide clinical therapy foroffending and make a difference in one personshave a chat with us at stand 121 or visitprisoners. Their work is based on the principlelife that benefits the whole community.justice.vic.gov.au/careersHow do you turn life experience into a rewarding career that keeps our community safe?Simple, come to stand 121.We can help you decide whether your skills and interests are best suited to our work in prisons, youth justice, community corrections, allied health or the Sheriff's Office. We offer paid training, flexibility, job security and a wide range of benefits.Attend our seminar or visit the website to learn more.justice.vic.gov.au/careers"